The First Total Solar Eclipse of the 21st Century

Earlier this month (April 8, 2024), a total solar eclipse cut through Mexico, the United States, and Canada. Total solar eclipses are paramount spectacles. It’s unlikely you will see anything else in your short, pointless life that will match a total eclipse. Thus, whenever an eclipse passes nearby, you should endeavor to place yourself in … Continue reading The First Total Solar Eclipse of the 21st Century

Generation Ship: Review

I grew up reading hard science fiction. Some of my favorite authors were Arthur C. Clarke, Robert Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Larry Niven, Frank Herbert, and Jerry Pournelle. All these writers created technically plausible stories with heavy doses of science. I’ve always held that science fiction needs some actual science to distinguish it from … Continue reading Generation Ship: Review

The Pointless Existence of Ambrose Oliver Cuddlepomp

We find Ambrose Oliver Cuddlepomp at work, or at least what he calls work. It’s not work in the sense of exerting energies for earnings; it’s more like a deliberate marking of time: a way to distinguish one hour and day from another. Ambrose Oliver Cuddlepomp, or “Cuddie” to use the demeaning nickname, has never … Continue reading The Pointless Existence of Ambrose Oliver Cuddlepomp

Ok Boomer K-TV

I was into South Korean TV long before BTS and the gen-whatever teeny boppers. One of the first TV shows I reviewed on this blog, Faith, was a deliciously nonsensical time-traveling South Korean rom-com martial arts fantasy. Yeah, it was that crazy. With advancing age and creeping Bidenesque dementia, my affection for South Korean TV has only increased. My latest K-TV … Continue reading Ok Boomer K-TV